The two pit bulls were euthanized as a safety precaution to the community, local officials said.
The sheriff said that long, wavy hair that appears human was found in a fecal sample of one of the dogs, named Pac-Man, WTVR reported. The results of the necropsies will be sent to a lab for more testing.
Pac-Man was not neutered, according to the report, adding that the first owner said she gave him to a friend after he snapped at her while she was pregnant.
The dog ended up back with that woman. She noticed wounds on his neck that indicated signs of abuse.
Like what? Was she concerned enough about these "signs of abuse" to call the police and report the alleged abuser? No. Marks on its neck could have been from a choker collar rubbing on its neck or from a prong collar if the previous owner was trying to maintain control of this giant, aggressive dog. Stop with the "oh it was abused that's why it killed her!" excuses.
The woman then SOLD
Her father says he warned Stephens that the dog was “dangerous,” the WTVR report stated.
That's probably after she dumped them at his house. He didn't want to have anything to do with them - and they were her dogs and I'm sure he was trying to make her be responsible for them, telling her she needed to come to care for them. He may have hoped she would simply get rid of them.

Certified master dog trainer Valerie Paul told WTVR that she did not know Stephens, Pac-Man, or Tonka, but she offered potential answers as to why the dogs attacked their owner.
“Most dogs aren’t going to just turn on an owner,” Paul told the station. “As more and more details come out, I think there probably was some sort of outside influence, but not necessarily another animal or anything like that—just something that could have enticed the dogs to get overexcited and react the way dogs will.”

“The fact that they are pit bulls doesn’t connect to what they did, it is a dog thing,” said Paul. She said at the end of the day, dogs are animals, and in extreme circumstances, they can potentially view even their owners as threats or food sources.”
“That’s actually very normal, dogs view people very differently than how we view people, when we see a body, we think of our loved ones and all of the memories that they bring to us, dogs don’t, in general.”

Sergeant Mike Blackwood also said that the dogs were a “bit neglected” before they attacked Stephens. They went from inside dogs to dogs living outside in a kennel.
A dog living outside is NOT neglected. As long as it has a clean living area, a proper shelter and clean water and food regularly being provided, it's fine. It may not be how you would keep your dog - but it's not illegal and it's not neglect.
What they're trying to do is come up with a reason WHY the Pit Bulls did this - oh it was abused before, oh it was neglected.... no, no, no. They did this because it is in their nature do to this. It has been bred into them for 100s of years to be aggressive and because the 'breed' is so diluted, inbred and sloppily bred, most of them are unstable animals, prone to 'trigger' and attack for no reason.
Story of the Scorpion and the Frog:
One day a scorpion asks a frog to carry him across the river. The frog, afraid of being stung during the trip declines helping the scorpion.
The scorpion argues that if it stung the frog, both would sink and he would also drown, so for his benefit he would never sting him.
The frog eventually agrees and carries the scorpion across the river until midway, the scorpion does indeed sting the frog, dooming them both to drown.
As they slowly sink into the water asks why he had stung him, crying out, "Now we shall both die!".
The scorpion simply points out that, “I had no choice; it's in my nature“.
More than a week ago, officials noted that the woman’s father had called 911 after 8 p.m. saying he found her in the woods. He told the sheriff that her dogs appeared to be “guarding” her body.

Because social media was getting full of people saying the dogs were protecting her from some unknown danger, that she must have been murdered and the dogs stayed with her and that they mauled her because they were trying to 'wake her up'.. the sheriff's office made another statement to clarify that none of this was true.
“Let me cut right to the chase, the most important detail that we did not release because we were worried about the well-being of the family is that in the course of trying to capture the dogs early Friday morning… we turned and looked… I observed, as well as four other deputy sheriffs, the dogs eating the rib cage on the body,” Goochland County Sheriff James Agnew said during a news conference.

It took officials more than an hour to catch the dogs. They were later put down.
“It appeared the attack was a violent attack initiated by the victims’ dogs while the victim was out for a walk with the dogs,” Sheriff Agnew said of the preliminary findings from the Medical Examiner’s Office, WTRV reported. “The victim had defensive wounds on her hands and arms trying to keep the dogs away from her, which would be consistent with being attacked while she was still alive.”

(The Epoch Times - Dec 31, 2017)