Sunday, June 17, 2012

Neighbors furious that attacking pit bull returned to owner

ARIZONA -- There’s a clear difference of opinion in one Tempe neighborhood.

The divide stems from the return of 21-year-old Yvette Castaneda’s pit bull.

"It’s overwhelming to have him back. It's kind of surreal like I don't really think he's here," said Castaneda.

The white pit bull, Kibbs, spent more than a year behind bars, locked up at the Maricopa County Animal Shelter.

In November 3TV went with Castaneda on one of her daily visit to see Kibbs.

Castaneda told 3TV then she believed her dog would one day come home.

The pit bull was serving time for biting the mail carrier and killing a neighbor's cat.

Eighteen neighbors filed a lawsuit against Castaneda requesting the dog be euthanized.

"This is about public safety. It’s proved it’s a vicious dog," said neighbor Ray Cairns.

Cairns was stunned when a letter from the courts recently arrived in the mail, saying Kibbs will be released to his owner.

"Everyone's disgusted. We’re looking to file a suit again," said Cairns.

Dayle Fisher lives two houses down from Castaneda and said she’s happy to see the dog home.

"This is not a vicious dog. I didn't even know the family and all of their names. I was able to walk up to the family and pet him," said Fisher.

Castaneda said her dog now stays in doors most of the time, except for when she takes him on walks.

She is thinking about moving out of her neighborhood.

(AZFamily - June 14, 2012)
