Sunday, February 3, 2013

1/30/13: Abandoned cats recovering

NEW YORK -- Nearly 50 cats are recovering after being rescued from a home in Vestal.

Investigators say Mary Herko-Daniels, 59, moved from her home on Lincoln Drive in October and left dozens of cats behind. Many of the cats were malnourished and in need of medical attention.

Officials at the Humane Society say they are feeding and socializing the cats. The animals are also being provided with veterinary care. However, the number of cats has put a strain on the Humane Society's resources.

"We now have a full house so for the other strays in the community we kinda have to wait to bring them in until we can filter these through the system, we have depleted some of our supply of canned cat food if anyone is willing to donate, we're looking for canned cat food for the cats, it just kinda puts a strain on it because we have so much at once," said Karen Matson, Broome County Humane Society Executive Director.

The cats will be available for adoption once they have recovered.

Mary Herko-Daniels is facing one charge of abandonment and one charge of failing to provide proper sustenance.

[Fifty cats starving and abandoned and she's only facing ONE CHARGE???!]

(Central NY - Jan 30, 2013)