Sunday, February 3, 2013

Pig attacked by pit bull in Lewiston

NEW YORK -- Niagara County Sheriff's deputies were called to a Ridge Road home Friday afternoon for a report of a pit bull chasing two pigs in the roadway.

When a deputy arrived, he didn't see any animals in the road — but he did notice animal tracks in the snow in front of a Ridge Road home. When he walked to the rear of the home, he found a white pit bull attacking a pig. The dog had latched onto the pig's front right leg and was vigorously gnawing at it.

The deputy yelled at the dog and ordered it to "get back," eventually using his Taser on the dog when it wouldn't release the pig. The pit bull let go at that point and ran to a kennel in the rear of the house.

The pig's leg was severely injure. The deputy said it limped around for a moment until the leg snapped off at the joint due to the injuries.

At that point, the deputy said he dispatched the pig.

Both the Town of Lewiston's dog warden and a SPCA of Niagara official responded to the scene.

The owner of the dog and the pig was not home at the time but was later contacted by the deputy. They said the dog had been chained to a tree next to its doghouse. The deputy said there were no signs that the dog had broken free from the chain.

Due to both of the animals belonging to the homeowner and both animals were on their property, animal control was unable to remove the pit bull and no charges were filed.

(Niagara Gazette - February 3, 2013)