Monday, June 24, 2013

Walney dog attacked man and pet

UNITED KINGDOM - THE fate of a dog at the centre of a court case after it bit a man depends on finding his new owners.

Susan Mimms pleaded guilty to owning a dog dangerously out of control when she appeared before Furness Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday.

Mimms, 51, had been out walking her son’s dog Flynn, an 18-month old Saluki, at Biggar Bank, on Walney, on February 28. The court heard how Mimms had decided to return home after getting cramp.

As she let the dog off the lead it approached Laurence Crease, attacking his dog and biting his hand.

However, following the incident the dog was advertised on Facebook and sent to a farm in North Yorkshire.

The court heard how a destruction order for Flynn could be made – but not without the dog’s new owner present in court.

Mr Mike Graham, defending, said: “The dog has been taken by a third party to be looked after. One incident took place and she immediately thought to remove the dog as it was too difficult to retain ownership.”

Mr Crease was left with a swollen hand and his dog with nine stitches after Flynn’s attack cut its neck and ear. Mr Crease was also left with a vet bill for £254.22

Mrs Lisa Hine, prosecuting, said: “The defendant will have to inform the police who the new owner is and we will have to get the new owner to come to court.”

District Judge Mr Gerald Chalk said the dog’s owner would need to be present to allow them to challenge any possible orders made regarding the dog. Mimms, of Duddon Drive, Walney, could be seen weeping as the possible destruction of the dog and an order banning her from dog ownership was discussed. The case has been adjourned until July 4 in a bid to find the new owners and bring them to court.

(NWEmail - June 19, 2013)