Monday, June 24, 2013

Woman upset by dog attack in Fenelon Falls

CANADA -- Last Friday evening my Mother was taking her small dog for a run at the fairgrounds in Fenelon Falls when two large dogs approached them and attacked my mother’s little dog, while still on the footrest of my mother’s scooter between her feet.

They proceeded to tear at Pippy until the owner reached the area. By this time, Pippy had a wound on her back that required emergency surgery. They had viciously ripped a huge piece of flesh from her back, nearly reaching her spine.

Instead of showing concern for the grave situation, the owner of these dogs then verbally attacked my mother, yelling and using profanities and stated that my mother should have left when she saw them coming into the grounds. Even said that since this was a leash-free park, that her dog was “fair game.”

It is not a leash-free park and my mother had control of her animal. Imagine this happening. Unbelievable, isn’t it? Apparently not.

The owner left without an apology, a contact number or plans to help pay for the dog. Thus leaving my senior mother there with her dog possibly bleeding to death.

Imagine an individual so coldhearted that they would handle this situation in such a manner.

So, in we headed for emergency surgery in the middle of the night. Thanks to the skill and compassion of Dr. Kerstin Kelly, Pippy survived and is recovering at home.

Imagine the fear that this gentle little dog must have felt being attacked by two huge terrifying dogs.

Imagine the fear and feelings of helplessness my mother must have felt, watching this brutality and being unable to save her faithful companion from this assault.

My mother is now hesitant to even return to the grounds for fear of this incident recurring. This incident has not only left a beloved family member scarred, it has left my mother afraid to travel in her own town and has essentially taken away her freedom.

What about all the other people who walk their well-behaved, well-controlled animals on these grounds? Will this happen to them? What about your kids hanging around or playing at the fairgrounds? Something has to be done to prevent more attacks.

The police have been contacted as well as the by-law officer and reports have been filed. If anyone knows the identity of this individual with two large dogs, please contact the authorities. This individual has left the scene of a crime and needs to be held responsible for the actions of her dogs as well as her own actions.

With the summer season here, more people out enjoying the local parks and public areas, we all need to be respectful of other’s safety and freedoms.

Catherine Frain, Bobcaygeon

(Kawartha Media Group - June 24, 2013)