Saturday, September 21, 2013

Police: Chihuahua puppy fell three stories after neighbor threw it out window

WASHINGTON -- Martha Tigner said at first she didn't believe what she was seeing, as her 9-month-old long-haired Chihuahua Baby Jerry was thrown out a window, falling almost three stories before hitting a concrete sidewalk.

"Who does that?" said Tigner. "And all my little kids are standing here," she added, pointing to her children.


Tigner said on Tuesday her neighbor, George Harris, 34, became angry with her because he thought she and her children broke into his apartment and stole two marijuana plants he was growing and a flat screen TV.  Harris had previously accused Tigner of the theft reporting it to police.

According to a probable cause affidavit, responding officers found no evidence that Tigner had anything to do with the missing items.

According to Tacoma police, Harris spotted Baby Jerry in the hallway of the home where the two both live and took him, ntending to hold him for ransom until the items were returned.

When Tigner and her children noticed Baby Jerry was missing, she said they began searching the home and yard trying to find him. 

Tigner said while searching she came around the side of the home and saw Baby Jerry come flying out of a second floor window, hit the outside of the house next door then slam into a sidewalk between the two homes. 

“I see George take my dog and throw my dog out the window. He threw the dog so hard he hit the building and then hit the ground,” said Tigner.   

The sidewalk slopes revealing a daylight basement making the height nearly the equivalent of three stories.

It was hideous. Like, tongue hanging out, (his) eyeball started bleeding. My kids go crazy, of course I go crazy because it’s my puppy,”  said Tigner

Tigner was described as hysterical in a probable cause affidavit as she called 911 to report the incident.

Tacoma police officers reported finding Baby Jerry lethargic, limping badly and bleeding from one eye. Harris, who officers described as obviously having a mental health or drug issue denied throwing the dog from the window. Tigner said at first Harris’ girlfriend also denied he threw Baby Jerry out the window then changed her story telling police what had happened.

Harris was arrested and charged with first-degree animal cruelty. He was arraigned and pleaded not guilty during an appearance in Pierce County Superior Court on Wednesday with bail set at $25,000.

Baby Jerry was recovering Wednesday at the Humane Society of Tacoma and Pierce County. A veterinarian there said it was surprising that the dog suffered  no broken bones or apparent internal damage.  Baby Jerry is expected to be returned to Tigner and her children soon.

(KIRO - Aug 28, 2013)

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