Saturday, October 19, 2013

Odessa Dog Attacked and Killed, Owner Warning Neighbors

TEXAS -- An Odessa family is warning neighbors after they say two pit bulls killed their beloved family pet “Chuco”.

Mayra Cano's little dog was on the porch in the 1300 block of South Jackson in Odessa, when they say their dog was brutally attacked by two pit bulls that belong to a neighbor. The 8th street vet clinic confirms that the pup was killed after a dog attack.

"He's gone and nothing was done about it and that’s very hurtful,” Cano said. “I wish someone would have done something, maybe he’d be alive."

According to Cano, Odessa Police and Animal Control would not respond to the incident because it was not an emergency. OPD did not yet respond to a request for comment this evening.

Cano says she just wants to get the word out to protect friends and neighbors who live on South Jackson that there could be vicious dogs roaming the streets.

Veterinarian Tiffani Ashing, who tried to save the dog's life, said dog attacks in Odessa are not uncommon and encourages owners to use leashes at all times.

(cbs7 - October 16, 2013)

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