Monday, June 24, 2013

Three injured in dog attack, two lose parts of finger

MISSOURI -- A dog accused in several attacks on humans has been put down by officers.

On June 13, Department of Public Safety officers in Sikeston, Missouri received a call about a dog attack.  The owner of the white Japanese Akita says he and a friend were trying to play with the dog when it attacked the friend.  The owner tried to pull the canine off of his friend, but the dog turned on him, biting off the tip of his index finger.

The dog continued to attack the owner's friend.  He tried to stop the attack a second time, but to no avail.  The friend took bites on his upper right arm/shoulder area.

After they arrived, DPS officers took the dog to the Humane Shelter to be monitored for disease.

The next day, a shelter worker arrived at work to find the same Akita running free around the building.  When the dog saw the worker, it attacked again.  The worker escaped by jumping into the bed of a truck, but not without injury.  He took severe bites to both hands and also lost the tip of one of his middle fingers.

When police arrived, the Akita had disappered.  Scared the dog might attack someone else, police started looking for the animal.

They found the canine in a field near the Humane Shelter.  The animal was still aggresive according to officers.  That's when they decided to put the animal down. 

According to a news release, the "officer did so successfully, in a quick and humane fashion without further risk to citizens or employees.

(WPSD - June 24, 2013)