Saturday, May 17, 2014

Off the grid woman jailed for animal cruelty

FLORIDA -- A Cape Coral woman known for her off the grid lifestyle was jailed Friday, following her arrest earlier in the week on a charge of animal cruelty.

Robin Speronis has been living without city power and water for more than a year. She owns two pet dogs: a 7-year-old Chihuahua and a 14-year-old Lab, which Lee County Domestic Animal Services investigators seized last month in order to provide medical treatment to them.


Speronis allegedly told investigators the Lab's worsening skin condition was caused by "elephant skin", and had been evident for the last nine years. Authorities eventually returned the Chihuahua.

Speronis also allegedly told authorities she believed steroids and antibiotics kill good bacteria.

Investigators say they have been trying to check on the welfare of the dogs since December 2013, but were never allowed access.

During her first appearance Friday in court she was denied bond.


Neighbor Joe Smolik said Speronis "seemed like a nice lady, she seemed like her head was screwed on straight."

However, authorities say when they asked Speronis to care for the animals, she responded by singing the song "Faith" by George Michael, which is also one of her dog's names.

Speronis has been arrested before, including once on a felony larceny charge. She was on probation during her latest arrest.


The animal cruelty charge resulted in Speronis violating her probation, and she is being held on the Widman Act.

Some neighbors think Speronis is getting a raw deal.

"I think animal cruelty charges is just another quiver of stuff they want to use against her," Smolik said.


Meanwhile, Speronis is still in a legal battle with the city of Cape Coral involving her off the grid lifestyle.

She has been racking up fees daily, and city officials say they will have to wait for this latest case to proceed before taking any further action.

(NBC2 News - May 16, 2014)

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