In August a video posted on social media allegedly showed Steven Sadler and Boots Stanley cutting a dog's throat.

"Looking at animal cruelty my whole life I've been an animal rescuer and I've seen a lot of things and this case was particularly disturbing because of the way these individuals seemed to have no empathy or compassion," says Jensen.
She traveled six hours on Monday while others like Bo Spartaro, drove over from Bossier City, bringing the dog he rescued from an abuser.
"Braveheart was an abused puppy someone locked him in a storage building he was found right before he died and we were able to catch the guy and was charged and went through the court system and got a guilty verdict," says Spartaro.
He says that's exactly what they are hoping the two get in this case.
"It was just outrageous and if they are going to do that and not only do it but post it to social media and think that's okay I just I don't know they are monsters," says Spartaro.
Stanley and Sadler's days in court are far from over with another hearing in April and their trial set for June 12th.
The activists say they aren't giving up and will continue to follow this case until justice is served for all, including man's best friend "Justice".
The two men accused of slitting a dog's throat in a video that went viral were back in court Monday.
Steven Sadler and Boots Stanley both face cruelty to animal charges in Morehouse Parish.

Their Monday hearing was continued to April 4, 2017. And, the judge set a trial date for June 12, 2017.
Besides aggravated cruelty to an animal charges, Boots and Stanley also face conspiracy charges. Both charges are felonies.
If convicted, they could face up to 10 years of incarceration and fines up to $30,000.

(KNOE - Dec 5, 2016)
- Louisiana: Horse slaughter workers Boots Stanley and Steven Sadler arrested after posting Snapchat video of themselves holding pit bull while sawing back and forth repeatedly with dull knife to kill it
- Louisiana: Greg Stanley and Michael Stanley, angry that Boots Stanley has been caught torturing and killing animals, beat innocent man
- Louisiana: Psychopathic Stanley Family Savagely Beat a Concerned Neighbor for Asking Questions about Dog Whose Throat They Slit And Tortured
- Louisiana: Stanley family horse slaughter auction house has long history of animal cruelty complaints
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